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Sep 5, 20194 min read
The Aesthetics of Boro, or rags, are the new thing, baby!
Whereas Marie Kondo desires to only keep those things that “spark joy” in the present, my mom is a master preserver and repurposer of...
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Jun 30, 20198 min read
How is This Still a Thing? In which I emerge from work-induced silence to say a few things on this:
*Of course, How is This Still a Thing? is a nod to John Oliver. Here is one of my favorites: Recently, that truly obnoxious person Kim...
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May 18, 20194 min read
On the Royal Baby (yeah, that one...and yeah, I didn't think I'd do this either...)
The last few months have been INSANE! I’ve been traveling around for various reasons since the end of March. In the last 7 weeks, I've...
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Feb 1, 20196 min read
Today, a few thoughts on cultural appropriation (and sparking joy)
One of the things I think about a lot, and occasionally feel anxious about, is the very sticky issue of cultural appropriation. In short,...
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